Monthly Traffic
What precisely is "Monthly Traffic"? How much monthly traffic will you be needing for your websites and applications?
The monthly traffic characteristic, which is at times also identified as bandwidth or info transfer, identifies the full volume of data which can be uploaded to your shared hosting account and downloaded from it each month. Your site traffic is produced mostly by site visits - every time someone finds your web site, the pages they see are downloaded from the hosting server to his / her machine or mobile device and they're shown by the web browser. What counts towards the site traffic produced is the size of these pages, thus the more website visitors you have for a given period of time, the more web site traffic will be produced. In addition to the site visits, file uploads will also be counted towards the total monthly transfer which means that every time you upload website content or some other files with a file manager or an FTP application, they'll also produce some site traffic. The counter resets on the very first day of each and every month and it is not related to the date you've subscribed or the date you've renewed the hosting plan.
Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting
We have selected the attributes of our
shared hosting packagesin a way, so as to facilitate the development of any web site hosted on our advanced cloud platform. The website traffic that your account can generate makes no exception, that's why with a web hosting plan through us, you won't have to worry about the volume of content being transferred to and from your account at any time. You can host multiple small and medium-sized websites and ensure that the monthly traffic quota will not be a setback for their growth. Furthermore, we offer you comprehensive hourly, daily and monthly stats that will give you additional details for the website traffic that a particular website generates or what kind of page/file is being downloaded the most and produces most of the traffic. This data can help you plan the administration of your sites as well as your marketing strategies better.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers
All of the
VPS servers that we offer feature a monthly traffic quota proportionate to the resources they come with. The more hdd storage and computing power a server has, the more likely it is that you will host more web sites on it, thus the traffic you are able to increases with every single package. If you need more traffic at some point, you can enhance the package via your billing Control Panel with just a couple of mouse-clicks and the extra system resources, along with the increased traffic allowance, will be added to your account. You'll also be able to view what amount of information has been transferred to and from your virtual server at any time. To be on the safe side, we'll update you when you get to 90% of your allowance in order to provide you with enough time to react and decrease your site traffic or upgrade the plan if needed. In your control panel, you can view the website traffic stats for every domain or subdomain in your VPS account.